Affirmations only became popular over the last few years, but they’re now hugely celebrated for one simple reason: they work. Healing affirmations are especially powerful because they can help to overcome many different afflictions.
These affirmations for healing can apply in so many different cases. Whether you have a physical or mental illness, or you’re simply going through a difficult emotional time, these healing affirmations can quite literally change your reality.
The idea behind affirmations is that our thoughts (and words) create our corporeal world, so after enough repetition, we will start to believe the affirmation which will then change our body chemistry. This is great if you believe in energy work, but for all you science people out there, the data stands behind affirmations as well.
It might feel stupid at first to say an affirmation out loud, but just try it for a week or so and you’ll soon find that it feels natural and good.
How Can You Use These Affirmations For Healing?
There are so many different ways that you can use healing affirmations. Some ideas include printing (or writing) out the affirmation and hanging it in your home, setting it as your iPhone background, sleeping with the affirmation under your pillow, or even just repeating the affirmation a specific amount of times each day.
You can say the affirmation or look at it, but for the best effect, I recommend that you do both. The more you experience the words behind the affirmation, the more powerful the results will be.
How do you chose which affirmation will be most effective?
As always, go with your intuition. When you’re reading this list of 101+ healing affirmations, you should browse until you come across an affirmation that just feels right. You’ll know when you see it.
If a few different affirmations for healing sit well with you, then you can either work with multiple affirmations or work with one at a time until you achieve your desired results.
General Healing Affirmations:
These are affirmations for general healing if you want to focus on the self as a whole entity.
I give myself permission to heal.
I let go of my perceived pain.
I accept the lesson my pain is offering me.
I release the past and trust that everything is happening for my greatest good.
I know these circumstances are a gift to help me grow.
I trust that everything in my life is unfolding perfectly.
I bless the past and embrace the present moment with an open heart.
I am strong, independent and respect my boundaries.
Nothing and no one can take away my power.
I have wonderful loving relationships.
I allow myself to play every day.
I am proud of all my accomplishments.
I am filled with positive energy.
I express my joy through singing and dancing.
I am determined to cure my wounds, soul, mind, and see things differently.
The past is over and it has no power over me now. I refuse to be a victim anymore. I claim my power.
Everyone has something to teach me, I raise above the events and see the main picture.
I return the basics of life: forgiveness, courage, gratitude, love and humor.
I have a perfect body, a brilliant mind, and a tranquil spirit.
Physical Healing Affirmations:
These affirmations for healing focus specifically on physical healing. Your thoughts and words quite literally have the power to change your body chemistry!
Every time I think healing thoughts, my body responds in kind.
My body is getting stronger each day.
I put myself, my health, and healing above everything. I strive to live a good life.
The beauty of my face does not define me. The purity of my heart matters the most.
I see my current circumstances as an opportunity to grow.
As I focus more and more on how I *can* heal, new ideas and inspiration come into my life.
I trust and respect my body’s wisdom.
I am a priority in my life. My health and healing matter. I’m worthy of a life that feels good to live.
I release my feelings of pain and replace them with loving kindness for myself.
I allow myself to heal inside and out.
Pain is a teacher, and I am learning from it to face afflictions.
I am the master of my world. I release the hurt and move into future with joy and enthusiasm.
My health is improving.
Happiness is the music of my body, and vitality is its song.
I am deciding to get well. I am deciding to be well. There’s no other option.
My body is healing itself.
I am physically and emotionally connected to an abundant source of healing. It’s always available to me.
I welcome all the ways my body can be healed. I give every opinion and option my open mind. I hold every possibility in my spacious, generous heart.
My muscles give me the support I need.
I am more energetic than my wounds and sickness.
I choose food that nourishes every cell in my body.
I am at ease with my pain because I know it will heal soon.
The non-physical in me honors the physical me.
I know that everything isn’t going to change all at once in a day, but I can make small choices that lead to bigger changes.
I am in charge of my pain and understand the needs of my body.
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Emotional Healing Affirmations:
These emotional affirmations for healings focus on your feelings and emotional well-being.
I am ready to forgive anyone I feel has hurt me.
I allow myself to give and receive love.
I take responsibility for the quality of my relationships.
I am willing to give the love I expect from others.
My mantra in life is to forgive myself and those who hurt me.
I am happy to give without expectations.
I am capable of unconditional love.
I treat the people in my life with compassion and understanding.
I release all emotional blocks that stop me from enjoying peace of mind.
I set myself and others free by choosing to forgive.
Everything I am going through is making me a stronger, wiser, and more compassionate person.
I create loving and healthy relationships.
I am worthy of being loved.
I want to fly free; that’s why I have given up on everything that weighs me down.
I am willing to be at peace with myself and everyone.
I choose to forgive because it feels better to love.
I accept my imperfections, and I am grateful for all the blessings I have.
I choose to let go of the past and open my heart for love again.
I acknowledge my unresolved feelings with patience and self-reflection.
I am kind to myself and others.
I have the power to overcome my sadness.
I always choose love.
I can be tranquil in every situation.
I am gentle with myself through the healing process.
I accept and do not judge myself for feeling sad.
I see every emotion as guidance to my healing.
I am anxious, but so what? I can handle it.
I am becoming happier every day.
I have compassion and kindness for everyone.
I know that my feelings do not define my essence.
The love that I have for myself and others is beyond words.
I do not hold a grudge against those who have hurt me. I prefer to be free and ease myself.
How I feel matters, therefore I concentrate on aspects of life that make me feel good.
Mental Healing Affirmations:
These affirmations for healing focus specifically on your mind and mental health, as well as your thoughts.
I let go of my need to be right.
I accept my part in everything that happens in my life.
I am willing to amend my own behavior.
I allow the perspective of others to deepen my understanding and love for them.
I believe in my ability to manifest happiness and healing.
I visualize my highest self to take good care of my mind.
By changing my thoughts, I create peace in my world.
I practice being at peace when other people are agitated.
I’m ready to release the stories in my head and forgive myself for believing everything my inner critic has ever said.
Spiritual Healing Affirmations:
These spiritual affirmations for healing work to heal your soul at an energetic level.
I allow myself time and space for my soul to heal.
I attract people who can help me heal through love.
I move beyond forgiveness to understanding and I have compassion and kindness for all.
I believe everything happens for a reason, even though I may not know it in this moment.
I allow love to guide all my relationships.
I am determined to cure my wounds, soul, mind, and see things differently.
All things are unfolding as they are supposed to.
I am divinely protected, and stress is not going to control me.
I learn to love myself unconditionally, more and more every day.
I give time and space to my soul to restore.
God has created me uniquely and is always beside me.
I am gifted with the universe’s clarity, strength, and wholeness.
I have a purpose, and I need to fulfill it.
I voice my truth and intuitions.
I have unconditional love for everyone.
The problems are illusions, and I do not concentrate on them.
I am ready to answer the callings of my soul and guardian angels.
I prefer inner peace more than false hopes and temporary satisfactions.
I foster peace, energy, and love in my spirits.
I have a soul full of vitality and pure love.
Everything happens for a good reason, always.
I am accepting and know how to take care of myself.
All the affection I need is within me.