Everyone gets into Tarot wanting to do massive spreads with crosses, significators, etc., but sometimes the three-card spreads really are the best. Not only are they they easiest, but they’re the simplest to read, which means you’re more likely to interpret the cards accurately.
A tarot spread doesn’t have to be large to be impactful. Some of the best readings I’ve ever got and given were 1-3 card spreads. Often, one card alone can tell someone everything they need to know! But, if you’re looking for a bit more complexity, three-card spreads are the way to go.
I recommend picking and choosing what aspects of each spread works for you. You’ll feel which spread is right to choose – don’t doubt your intuition!
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A General Situation
Past / Present / Future
Situation / Obstacle / Advice
Opportunities / Challenges / Outcomes
Problem / Don’t do this / Do this
Desire / Obstacle / Solution
Pro / Con / Best choice
The Past
Cords to the past to cut / How to heal my heart / Ways to nurture me
Last year’s biggest lesson / Last year’s biggest achievement / Advice for this year
Card to represent you in a past life / What was unresolved from that past life / How this same issue is effecting me today
The obstacle / Past influences / How to clear them
What you wish you could have done differently / Why things had to happen the way they did / How this is helping you now
Childhood / Adolescence / Adulthood
The Future
Tomorrow / Next week / Next month
What to expect this morning / What to expect this afternoon / What to expect this evening
Week / Month / Year
Idea / Reality / Potential
New moon / Full moon / Dark moon
Now / Later / Distant future
The future in a week / A year / 5 years
Card of the day / Unexpected twist / Potential obstacle
A Relationship
Past of relationship / Present of relationship / Future of relationship if all things stay the same
What the other person is thinking / What the other person is feeling / What the other person is doing
What is the current state of our relationship / What needs to improve / What can I do to improve it
Your wants in a relationship / Their wants in a relationship / Compatibility
What brings you together / What pulls you apart / What needs you attention
Factors pushing you together / Factors pulling you apart / Outcome if all things stay the same
How do others see you / What kind of person are you attracting / What will help you find love
My own pattern role / Outcome if I stay / Outcome if I go
Your sexual appetite / Your sexual fears / What you should embrace
Karma that’s playing out right now / Past life connection / Our purpose together
How do they feel about you / Are they seeing other people / Do they want to commit to you
Enemies / Traitors / Allies
Family / Friends / Self
Me / Issue that needs healing / Partner
Me / My partner / Our child
Chords to the past to cut / How to heal my heart / Ways to nurture me
Career & Finances
Focus / Advice / Outcome
What is your dream job / How can you get there / What qualities do you need to develop
What am I passionate about / What am I good at / How can I combine them
The main cause of financial problems / Obstacles working against you / What you need to do
My current financial situation / Areas to restrict spending / Let the money flow this way
What I’m doing wrong / What I’m doing right / What I need to do next
What’s going well / What’s not going well / How to get back on track
What is my purpose / How can I bring this into my business / What does the future hold
Where I should invest my energy / Something I need to learn / How this will change my life
Benefits of staying / Benefits of leaving / What choice I should make
How to find abundance / Sources of love / Silver lining
Idea / Manifestation / Process
Making a Decision
Problem / Don’t do this / Do this
What I really want / Where my internal compass is guiding me / The outcome if I move forward
Option 1 / Option 2 / Option 3
The solution / An alternate solution / How to choose
Choice 1 outcome / Choice 2 outcome / Guidance
A course of action / Best outcome / Worst outcome
Action / Reaction / Outcome
Best case scenario / Worst case scenario / Probable outcome
Illusion / Disillusionment / New understanding
Self Work
Unconscious mind / Subconscious mind / Conscious mind
My male energy / My female energy / How to balance duality
Myself / Reality / Advice
Who I think I am / Who others think I am / Who I really am
You / Your current path / Your Potential
Am I where I want to be / What are my options / What do I fear the most
Greatest strength / Greatest weakness / Driving passion
Hidden talent / Obvious talent / Super secret talent
Hidden desire / It’s manifestation / The consequences
Hidden strength / Hidden shortcoming / Hidden opportunity
Male energy / Female energy / How to balance my duality
Needs / Wants / Fears
Past self / Present self / Future self
Me / My direction / My unconscious desires
My emotion / Source of emotion / Next action
Fear / Current response / Better response
Identity / Community / Purpose
Self deception / Deception by others / First step to finding the truth
Mother / Father / Me
Spiritual Work
Me / Spirit guide / How to connect
Mind / Body / Spirit
Psychic gift / How to enhance it / Why it’s important
Physical body / Emotional body / Spiritual body
Light / Shadow / Where I need to bring the light
Higher principle / Test / How to pass said test
Which spread worked best for you? Let us know in the comments! Don’t forget to pin this post to save it for later.