23 Ancient Gods And Goddesses Of Nature

Ancient gods and goddesses of nature

The gods and goddesses of nature have been an integral part of many cultures throughout history. These deities are often associated with natural phenomena such as the sun, moon, stars, and weather. They are also associated with the plants and animals that inhabit the earth, as well as the forces of life and death.

In many cultures, these gods and goddesses were seen as powerful beings who controlled the natural world. They were often worshiped through rituals and sacrifices, and were believed to have the power to bring good fortune or disaster to the people who depended on them. Some cultures also believed that these deities could communicate with humans through dreams or visions.

Today, the worship of nature gods and goddesses continues in many forms. Some people still practice traditional religions that honor these deities, while others have developed new spiritual practices that incorporate elements of nature worship. Regardless of the form it takes, the reverence for nature and its many manifestations remains a powerful force in human culture.

Gods and Goddesses of Nature:

Here are the top ancient gods and goddesses of nature across pantheons.

23. Gaia (Greek Mythology)

Gaia is the personification of the Earth in Greek mythology. She’s basically the mother of everything, having given birth to the sky, mountains, and the sea. According to the myths, Gaia emerged from chaos itself and was the starting point for the whole universe. If you think of Earth as a living, breathing entity, Gaia would be its consciousness.

In Greek tales, Gaia is not just a passive figure; she actively influences events. When she felt wronged by her kids or grandkids (like the Titans or the Olympian gods), she wouldn’t hesitate to set things right. In many stories, she aids in the overthrow of oppressive figures, proving that Mother Nature is not to be messed with.

22. Danu (Celtic Mythology)

Danu is a mother goddess in Celtic mythology, often linked with fertility, prosperity, and the Earth itself. She’s considered the ancestral figure of the Tuatha Dé Danann, a mythical race of divine beings. While not as explicitly tied to specific natural phenomena as some deities, her overarching role embodies the essence of life and creation.

Danu represents the fertile ground from which life springs and is also associated with rivers and flowing water. She’s a reminder of the nurturing, life-giving aspects of nature, underscoring the importance of respecting the natural world as a source of life and abundance.

21. Artemis (Greek Mythology)

Artemis is the Greek goddess of the hunt, wild animals, and wilderness, among other things. She’s often seen as the counterpart to Diana in Roman mythology. If you’re an animal lover or just love spending time in the great outdoors, Artemis is your gal. She’s often depicted with a bow and arrow, roaming through forests with a band of nymphs and hunting dogs.

But don’t mistake her for just a hunter; Artemis is also seen as a protector of animals and young girls. She encapsulates the balance of life and death in the natural world. In her lore, the focus isn’t just on the hunt but also on the sanctity of life, making her a nuanced figure symbolizing both destruction and protection.

20. Tāne Mahuta (Māori Mythology)

In Māori mythology from New Zealand, Tāne Mahuta is the god of forests and birds. He’s the guy who separated his parents, the sky father Ranginui and the earth mother Papatūānuku, to let light into the world. Imagine living sandwiched between your parents forever—yeah, Tāne wasn’t having it.

Tāne also created humans by molding them from the soil. He’s often portrayed as a life-giver and a caretaker of natural resources. His story is a reminder of the close relationship between humans and the environment, emphasizing respect and care for the land and its creatures.

19. Shiva (Hindu Mythology)

Shiva is one of the principal deities in Hinduism, known as the destroyer and transformer. He’s a complex figure, associated with many contrasting aspects like destruction and creation, asceticism, and household life. His role in nature is often symbolized by the Shiva Linga, which represents cosmic energy.

Shiva is also considered the lord of animals and is sometimes depicted with a snake around his neck. His destructive power is not seen as negative but as a necessary force that makes way for new creation. In essence, Shiva embodies the cyclical nature of life and the universe.

18. Pan (Greek Mythology)

Last but not least, Pan is the Greek god of the wild, shepherds, and flocks. With the upper body of a human and the legs and horns of a goat, Pan is a bit of an oddball in the godly realm. He’s often connected with music and is credited with creating the pan flute.

Pan embodies the untamed aspects of nature. He’s neither entirely harmful nor entirely helpful, but he represents the raw, wild forces that exist outside human civilization. His myths often involve him causing “panic” among people or animals, reminding us that while nature is beautiful, it’s also unpredictable and not always friendly.

Learn more about working with Pan here.

17. Diana (Roman Mythology)

Diana is the Roman goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and the moon. She’s like the Swiss Army knife of deities, versatile and multifaceted. Often depicted with a bow and arrows, Diana safeguards animals while also representing the hunter’s prowess.

While she’s a protector of the wilderness and animals, her role as a hunting goddess introduces the paradox of life and death that exists in the natural world. Diana exemplifies the balance between human needs and environmental stewardship.

16. Demeter (Greek Mythology)

Demeter is the Greek goddess of grain, agriculture, and fertility. She’s probably most famous for her love for her daughter Persephone, whose annual descent into the underworld marks the onset of winter. Demeter’s sorrow during this time makes the earth barren, and her joy upon Persephone’s return brings about spring and summer.

Her myth beautifully illustrates the cycles of nature, particularly the changing seasons. Just like her Roman counterpart Ceres, Demeter is all about the rhythms of the Earth. She represents the constant flux in nature, with seasons of abundance and periods of scarcity.

Learn more about working with Demeter here.

15. Odin (Norse Mythology)

Odin is like the big boss of Norse gods, often associated with wisdom, healing, death, and other weighty matters. But he’s not all about doom and gloom; Odin is also tied to nature through his two ravens, Huginn and Muninn, who fly all over the world to bring news to him.

While Odin isn’t a nature god in the traditional sense, he represents the human quest for understanding and mastery over natural forces. His ravens symbolize thought and memory, reflecting the deep connection between human intelligence and the natural world.

14. Isis (Egyptian Mythology)

Isis is one of the most well-known goddesses in Egyptian mythology. She’s a goddess of many things, including magic, fertility, and motherhood. In the realm of nature, she’s often associated with the life-giving aspects of the Nile River.

Her stories often involve themes of resurrection and healing, symbolizing the restorative powers of nature. Isis is seen as the epitome of maternal and conjugal devotion, and her narrative explores the complexities of life, death, and rebirth.

13. Yoruba Orishas (Yoruba Mythology)

In Yoruba mythology from West Africa, Orishas are divine beings associated with natural elements. Two well-known Orishas related to nature are Oya and Oshun. Oya is the goddess of winds, tempests, and change. She’s like the wild force of nature that sweeps away the old to make way for the new.

Oshun, on the other hand, is the goddess of rivers, love, and fertility. She’s the balancing counterpart to Oya, embodying qualities like grace, beauty, and diplomacy. Where Oya destroys, Oshun nurtures and heals. The coexistence of these two Orishas captures the dual nature of the world we live in—sometimes harsh and chaotic, other times gentle and restorative.

12. Thor (Norse Mythology)

Thor is another heavy-hitter in Norse mythology, famous for his hammer and his strength. He’s the god of thunder, lightning, storms, and also a protector of mankind. If you’re into dramatic weather patterns, Thor’s your deity.

His role is twofold: While he embodies the violent and unpredictable aspects of nature, he’s also revered as a protector who fights off chaotic forces. Thor encapsulates the tension between nature’s destructive power and its essential role in maintaining the balance of the world.

11. Brigid (Celtic Mythology)

Brigid is another Celtic deity but with a more specific focus: she’s the goddess of fire, poetry, and craftsmanship. This triple-threat was also later transformed into a Christian saint. As a fire goddess, she’s linked to the hearth and home, symbolizing the life-giving and sustaining powers of fire.

In addition to her fiery attributes, Brigid is also associated with healing waters, making her a complex figure tied to multiple elements. Her lore reminds us of the creative and destructive potentials of natural forces and how they can coexist in harmony.

10. Cernunnos (Celtic Mythology)

Cernunnos is the horned god of the Celtic pantheon, often associated with animals, nature, and fertility. You can think of him as the ultimate outdoorsman. He’s usually depicted with deer antlers on his head, emphasizing his deep connection with wildlife.

Not much is known about Cernunnos because the Celts didn’t leave behind many written records. However, he’s often associated with natural cycles like birth, death, and rebirth. His presence serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all life, making him a powerful symbol of the natural world’s cyclical nature.

9. Bastet (Egyptian Mythology)

Bastet is the Egyptian goddess of home, fertility, and childbirth, but she’s probably most famous for being the goddess of cats. Initially a lioness warrior goddess, she later evolved into a more domestic figure, albeit one that retained her fierce protective qualities.

Cats were highly valued in ancient Egypt for their role in controlling pests, and this made Bastet an important deity in a society dependent on agriculture. She embodies the dual qualities of nurture and ferocity that are often observed in nature.

8. Freyja (Norse Mythology)

Freyja is a Norse goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, and, interestingly, war and death. She’s got a pretty wide range of responsibilities. She’s often seen as the counterpart to Freyr and shares many attributes related to fertility and prosperity.

Freyja is deeply tied to the Earth’s generative and destructive capacities. She rides a chariot pulled by two cats and owns a cloak of falcon feathers, which speaks to her connection with animals and nature. Like many other deities, she encompasses the multiple, often contradictory aspects of the natural world, from birth to death and all the beauty and struggle in between.

Learn more about working with Freyja here.

7. Parvati (Hindu Mythology)

In Hindu mythology, Parvati is the goddess of love, fertility, and devotion. She’s also Shiva’s wife, one of the principal deities in Hinduism. Together, they balance the forces of destruction and creation. Parvati embodies the nurturing aspect of nature, often associated with mountains and forested areas.

She wears many hats—literally and figuratively. Parvati transforms into various forms, like Durga and Kali, to adapt to different situations. Durga is the warrior goddess, ready to defend the world, while Kali is the fierce destroyer of evil. Parvati’s multiple forms demonstrate the diverse roles that nature plays in sustaining and protecting life.

Each of these gods and goddesses offers a unique perspective on the powers and elements they represent. Whether nurturing or destructive, calming or tempestuous, they remind us of the complex and multifaceted character of nature itself.

6. Freyr (Norse Mythology)

Freyr is one of the most important gods in Norse mythology, closely associated with fertility, sunlight, and rain. If you’re into the whole Viking vibe, you might know that Freyr rides around in a ship that can be folded up like a cloth. Yep, the god had his own version of a convertible.

When it comes to nature, Freyr ensures good harvests and is even associated with sexual fertility. He’s often invoked for peace and prosperity, as his influence is considered vital for good seasons and successful farming. In a society that was heavily dependent on agriculture and sea travel, having Freyr on your side was like hitting the nature jackpot.

5. Amaterasu (Shinto Mythology)

Amaterasu is the Shinto goddess of the sun in Japanese mythology. If you’re a fan of daybreak, you’ve got Amaterasu to thank for that. According to the myths, she once hid herself in a cave after a fallout with her brother, plunging the world into darkness. She eventually emerged, and the world was lit up once more.

She’s not just a sunshine gal; Amaterasu is deeply tied to the imperial family of Japan and considered a major deity. Her story emphasizes the importance of balance between light and darkness, as well as the regenerative powers of the sun. She reminds us that even after the darkest times, the sun will rise again.

4. Sedna (Inuit Mythology)

In Inuit mythology, which originates from the Arctic regions of Canada, Alaska, and Greenland, Sedna is the goddess of the sea and marine animals. She’s not your typical mermaid, though. Legend has it that after being betrayed by her family, she became the ruler of Adlivun, the Inuit underworld at the bottom of the sea.

Marine animals are created from her fingers, and she has the power to withhold them from hunters, impacting the community’s food supply. The story of Sedna serves as a cautionary tale about respecting the natural world. It emphasizes the concept that if you disrespect nature, you’re likely to feel its wrath.

3. Flora (Roman Mythology)

Flora is the Roman goddess of flowers, gardens, and the season of spring. If you love the bloom of springtime, Flora’s your go-to deity. Festivals in her honor, known as Floralia, were extravagant affairs filled with dance, wine, and, of course, flowers.

Beyond the aesthetic appeal of blooms as one of the main goddesses of flowers, Flora represents the season of renewal and growth, when the natural world comes alive after winter. She’s a living testament to the cyclical nature of life and the endless loop of death and rebirth.

2. Epona (Celtic and Roman Mythology)

Epona is a goddess particularly interesting because she bridged Celtic and Roman mythologies. She’s the protector of horses, mules, and donkeys. Her presence is often seen as a symbol of fertility and prosperity, as well as safe journeys.

Epona was widely revered in both agrarian and militaristic contexts. Her connection to horses underscores the symbiotic relationship between humans and animals, and how domesticated animals are integrated into our understanding and manipulation of nature.

1. Ceres (Roman Mythology)

Ceres is the Roman goddess of agriculture, grain, and the love a mother bears for her child. She’s basically the reason we have crops and, by extension, food. She’s also where the word “cereal” comes from, so you can thank her for your breakfast.

Ceres is often associated with abundance and is revered for her power to both give and take away. She embodies the ebb and flow of the natural world, reflecting the balance between scarcity and abundance that defines earthly life.

Symbols and Representations

The gods and goddesses of nature are often associated with various symbols and representations that signify their power and influence. These symbols and representations are used in art, mythology, and religious practices to honor and invoke the deities.


Many nature deities are associated with specific animals that represent their powers and characteristics. For example, Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt, is often depicted with a deer, which symbolizes her connection to nature and her role as a protector of animals. Similarly, the Egyptian goddess Bastet is associated with cats, which were revered for their ability to hunt and protect households from vermin.


Plants are another important symbol in the mythology of nature deities. The Celtic goddess Brigid, for example, is associated with the sacred flame and the plant known as the dandelion. In Hinduism, the goddess Durga is often depicted holding a lotus flower, which symbolizes purity and enlightenment.


Many nature deities are also associated with the elements of nature, such as earth, air, fire, and water. The Greek god Poseidon, for example, is the god of the sea, while the goddess Demeter is associated with the earth and agriculture. The Japanese goddess Amaterasu is associated with the sun, which represents life and vitality.

Other Symbols

In addition to animals, plants, and elements, many nature deities are associated with other symbols that represent their powers and characteristics. For example, the Norse god Odin is often depicted with a spear, which represents his role as a warrior and leader. The Hindu goddess Kali is associated with a sword, which symbolizes her power to destroy evil and ignorance.

Overall, the symbols and representations associated with nature deities are an important aspect of their mythology and religious practices. They help to convey the power and influence of these deities and provide a way for people to connect with and honor them.

Working With The Gods & Goddesses Of Nature:

Working with gods and goddesses of nature can be a fulfilling spiritual practice, regardless of whether you’re a believer in a particular tradition or simply curious about tapping into these archetypical energies. Here’s how you can do it:

Research and Understanding

The first step is always understanding who these deities are, what they represent, and the traditions they come from. Read the myths, stories, and scholarly articles about them. Respecting the cultures these deities come from is crucial, so make sure you’re well-informed.

Identify Your Intent

Different gods and goddesses serve different functions in mythology. Some are tied to fertility, some to natural phenomena, and some to animals. Clarify what you’re seeking — be it guidance, protection, or a better relationship with nature — and then choose a deity that aligns with your goals.

Create an Altar or Sacred Space

Dedicating a physical space to connect with a deity can make your practice feel more focused. This could be an elaborate altar with symbols and artifacts or a simple corner with a few meaningful items like stones, plants, or images of the deity.

Offerings and Rituals

Different traditions have different recommendations for offerings and rituals. For instance, if you’re drawn to Ceres, the goddess of agriculture, offerings of grains or freshly baked bread may be appropriate. For Odin, a god of wisdom, perhaps dedicating time to study or contemplation could serve as an offering.

Meditation and Prayer

Spend time in quiet reflection or meditation, focusing on the qualities or lessons the deity embodies. Some people find it helpful to have a prayer, chant, or mantra dedicated to the deity they’re working with.

What Can They Teach You?

The main thing I’ve learned from working with gods and goddesses of nature is the wildness of the earth. There’s a certain chaos in nature that we strive to stamp out in civilized life, and getting in touch with that wildness in a truly primal way is so rewarding. I can’t recommend this work enough!

Understand that you’ll do some work with the gods and goddesses of nature inside, but you’ll also need to spend time in nature to fully integrate these lessons.

Seasonal Celebrities With Nature Deities:

Many gods and goddesses of nature have specific festivals, holidays, or seasonal celebrations dedicated to them. These events often align with natural cycles, such as solstices, equinoxes, or harvest seasons, and can provide a meaningful way to engage with these deities and the elements they represent. Here are some notable celebrations:

Beltane (Celtic)

Often celebrated on May 1, Beltane is a Celtic festival that marks the beginning of the warmer season. It’s a time to honor gods and goddesses of fertility and fire, such as Brigid. Traditional activities include lighting bonfires and dancing around maypoles, both of which symbolize the life-giving energy of the season.

Imbolc (Celtic)

Celebrated around February 1, Imbolc is another Celtic festival dedicated to Brigid. It marks the first signs of spring and is traditionally a time for cleansing and new beginnings. People often light candles or make Brigid’s Crosses as a way to invite her blessings into their homes.

Ostara (Germanic)

Celebrated during the Spring Equinox, Ostara is dedicated to the goddess of spring and dawn of the same name in Germanic tradition. Activities might include planting seeds both literal and metaphorical, symbolizing new growth and beginnings.

Lammas (Various Traditions)

Held on August 1, Lammas is a harvest festival that honors gods and goddesses of grain and agriculture, like Demeter and Ceres. Baking bread and sharing it is a common way to celebrate this festival.

Winter Solstice (Various Traditions)

Deities like Odin and Thor are often honored during Yule, the Germanic festival that corresponds with the Winter Solstice. This is a time to welcome the return of the light and to seek the wisdom and protection of these gods during the darkest part of the year.

Day of Bast (Ancient Egyptian)

Celebrated on October 31, this day honors Bastet, the Egyptian goddess of home, fertility, and childbirth, who is also depicted as a lioness warrior. Activities often include feasting, dancing, and boat processions along the Nile.

Matariki (Maori)

Matariki is the Maori New Year, usually occurring in late May or early June, and it honors the deities of nature, stars, and the sky. Traditional activities include looking to the Matariki star cluster for guidance and preparing the land for planting.

Navratri (Hindu)

This is a nine-night festival that honors the goddess Durga and other forms of the Divine Mother, including aspects of nature. Celebrated twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall, it involves fasting, dancing, and a variety of rituals.

The gods and goddesses of nature have played a significant role in various cultures throughout history. They have been worshipped, feared, and respected for their powers over natural elements such as the sun, moon, water, and earth.

From the Greek goddess Gaia who personified the earth to the Hindu god Indra who controlled thunder and lightning, these deities have been revered for their ability to control and manipulate the natural world.

It is interesting to note that many of these gods and goddesses have similar attributes across different cultures, such as the association with fertility and growth. This suggests that there is a universal understanding and appreciation of the importance of nature in human life.

Despite the decline in the worship of these deities in modern times, their legacy lives on through various forms of art, literature, and popular culture. They continue to inspire and intrigue people with their mythical tales and divine powers.

Overall, the gods and goddesses of nature have left a lasting impact on human history and continue to be a source of fascination and wonder for many.