What Is The Occult?

what is the occult?

Ever wonder what’s lurking beneath the surface of everyday life? No, I’m not talking about ghosts or ghouls. I’m talking about the occult. Now before your mind goes straight to spooky movies and dark rituals, let’s get real—“occult” simply means hidden. It comes from the Latin word occultus, and it’s all about the things we can’t see but somehow know are there, shaping our world and influencing us.

What Does The Occult Even Mean?

At its core, the occult is about exploring the unseen—those subtle forces that drive nature, life, and even your own mind. It’s not as out there as it seems. Think of it like a backstage pass to the universe, where you get to peek behind the curtain and figure out how things really work. And guess what? It’s not about pulling rabbits out of hats; it’s about personal growth, transformation, and self-discovery.

So, what does “hidden” really mean in the context of the occult? It’s all the stuff that’s always been there, but maybe you’ve never noticed. It’s the shadow side of life—the part of you that isn’t always in the spotlight but is definitely calling the shots. By diving into the occult, you’re diving into your own depths, learning the language of your unconscious through symbols, dreams, gut feelings, and maybe even that freaky sense of déjà vu you can’t quite shake.

For real, people have been exploring these hidden realms for centuries. Take the Eleusinian Mysteries of ancient Greece, for example. These secretive rites, held in honor of Demeter and Persephone, were basically like a spiritual deep-dive, promising initiates a transformative experience—one that was said to reveal the mysteries of life, death, and rebirth. Participants weren’t just sitting around; they were stepping into a whole new understanding of themselves and the universe. Big-time spiritual initiation stuff.

Fast forward to the Renaissance, and you’ve got the Rosicrucians—one of those mysterious secret societies that everyone loves to speculate about. These guys claimed to hold the hidden knowledge of alchemy, mysticism, and Hermeticism, and they were rumored to be keepers of the Holy Grail’s secrets. Not in the Indiana Jones way, though—the Grail was more of a symbol of divine wisdom and enlightenment. They weren’t looking to find something; they were trying to understand the deeper truths of the universe and help others transcend the physical world.

Then, there’s the ancient Jewish tradition of Kabbalah. It’s all about exploring the structure of the universe through the Tree of Life, which also happens to be a pretty solid map for understanding the human psyche. And it doesn’t stop there—Kabbalah also gets into the Qliphoth, which are the darker, chaotic forces representing the shadow side of the self. So yeah, it’s kind of like a yin and yang situation: light and shadow, order and chaos, all working together to help you get a deeper understanding of yourself and the universe.

Now, let’s talk about Hermeticism, one of the big players in Western occult traditions. Think of it as a bridge between ancient Egyptian philosophy and Greek thought. One of its most famous ideas is “As Above, So Below,” which is basically saying that the universe reflects the self, and vice versa. You see the pattern, right? The outside world is a mirror of what’s happening inside you.

And here’s where it gets even cooler—Eastern traditions like Taoism and Buddhism have also crept into Western occult practices. They bring ideas like balancing opposites (yin and yang) and seeking enlightenment through inner work. So yeah, it’s kind of like a perfect fusion of East and West, creating an even richer playground for today’s seekers.

And then there’s the concept of shadow work, which may sound modern but is deeply rooted in ancient traditions of self-reflection and transformation. In essence, shadow work is about confronting the parts of ourselves that we usually avoid—our fears, insecurities, and the “darker” aspects of our psyche. This concept aligns with ancient shamanic traditions, where initiates would undergo intense inner journeys, often through the use of rituals, fasting, or altered states of consciousness, to confront their shadows and return with greater self-awareness and spiritual insight.

Even the Bible has an insane amount of occult symbolism. You’ll find that the occult lies hidden at the center of any religion or symbol, waiting to be discovered.

Where’s The Occult Now? Spoiler: It Never Went Away

In today’s world, the occult isn’t just for secret societies or ancient texts. It’s way more accessible, and people are diving into these hidden realms through all kinds of practices.

One super popular method? Deity work. This is where you connect with gods and goddesses, but not just as these mystical beings floating around in the clouds. Nah, it’s way deeper than that—you’re connecting with them as archetypes within yourself. Working with deities like Hecate or Odin? That’s basically you unlocking different parts of your own psyche, whether you’re facing fear, embracing change, or digging into some hidden wisdom.

People are also going all-in on decoding occult symbols. Symbols like the pentagram, the ankh, or the ouroboros (you know, the snake eating its own tail) have been around forever, and they’re not just pretty pictures. Each one has layers of meaning that can help you understand both the universe and yourself. It’s like each symbol is a key that unlocks a deeper truth—and yeah, you can totally apply that to your own life.

So, whether you’re into deity work, exploring ancient mysteries, or diving headfirst into shadow work, the occult isn’t about magic spells or supernatural forces. It’s about turning inward, facing the parts of yourself that are hanging out in the shadows, and coming out stronger and wiser on the other side. It’s always been about self-discovery. In a way, the unseen becomes a mirror that shows you your deepest truths.

You ever get that feeling like something’s nudging you in a certain direction? That’s the kind of thing occult practices help you explore. At the end of the day, you need to follow your own map to find the occult within…and everyone’s map is different, but there are tools that can help get you there.

In essence, the occult is about unlocking what’s hidden—not to control the universe, but to first master yourself. You’ve got to go inward to find that real power. The journey is about transformation and personal evolution, and let’s be real—the real magic isn’t in wands or potions (though, hey, those can be fun). It’s in how you grow, learn, and discover who you really are. And honestly, isn’t that the most powerful magic of all?

If you’re curious and ready to explore more, I’ve got a place for that. Our Member’s Corner is where we go all-in on these topics—and a ton more. We’ve got deity work, inner alchemy resources, an awesome forum, and weekly live meetings. It’s basically a chill space for anyone who’s ready to explore the hidden side of life at their own pace, with a group of like-minded souls.

No pressure—just an invite if you’re feeling it. Come check it out if you want to dive deeper!