I practice with my Tarot cards almost daily, so I know how hard it is to actually think of questions to ask the Tarot cards. Once you’ve gone through all the main issues, you’ve run out of queries, but you may still want to practice.
After coming up with so many of my questions to ask the Tarot cards during my own practice, I decided to put together this post of 101+ questions for the Tarot cards!
A Few Tips Regarding Questions To Ask The Tarot Cards…
Open-ended questions are always better when thinking of questions to ask the Tarot cards. While you can work with the Tarot if you want to produce a yes or no answer, it’s better to use open-ended questions for practice. Therefore, all 101 examples of questions to ask the Tarot cards are open-ended.
Additionally, try to ask questions that you actually have control over. For example, don’t ask what your friend can do to make you happier, since you have no control over whether or not your friend does it. Take back your control and empower yourself with these Tarot questions!
Lastly, if you’re just learning Tarot, use a deck that’s good for beginners. I recommend this classic deck for absolute beginners.
Related Posts:
- The 5 Best Tarot Decks For A Beginner Tarot Reader
- 10 Beginner Tarot Mistakes to Avoid
- How to Learn Tarot: 5 Easy Exercises For Beginners
- Tarot vs Oracle: What’s The Difference?
101+ Questions To Ask The Tarot Cards
Here are questions to ask the Tarot cards broken down by category!
Here are plenty of questions to ask the Tarot cards about love!
- What can I do to find my soul mate?
- How will I know when I’ve found my soul mate?
- What obstacles must I overcome to find love?
- How can I attract the best partner for me?
- What are my current beliefs about love?
- Is there a wound from the past that I need to heal?
- What do I need to know about a new potential partner?
- What do I need to know about my current partner?
- What positive qualities do I bring to a relationship?
- What negative qualities do I bring to a relationship?
- How can I communicate better with my partner?
- What positive qualities does my partner bring to the relationship?
- What negative qualities does my partner bring to the relationship?
- What did I learn about love and relationships as a child?
- What did I learn about love and relationships from my family?
- What is my relationship blindspot right now?
- What do my spirit guides want me to understand about love?
- Should I follow my intuition when it comes to love?
- What am I afraid of most in love?
- What did I learn from a past relationship?
- Why did a past relationship fall apart?
- How can I let go of my ex?
- How can I open myself to love after heartbreak?
- What is my karma I have to face with love and in relationships?
- How do I move forward in my love life/marriage/relationship?
- To create the love life that I truly desire, what can I do?
- How will I know when I have met the right person for me/the one?
- Where am I strongest in my love life?
- Who is currently moving towards me in my love life and/or is my soulmate near me?
- How can I raise the vibration of my relationship?
- What am I denying in my love life?
- What are the qualities I need most in a happy relationship?
- How can I reignite romance in my relationship?
- How can I have better intimate relations in my relationship?
- How can I grow more comfortable in my own body?
- What lesson am I learning in my journey for love?
- How can I cultivate more self love?
- How can I cultivate more love in my relationship?
- Where can I find more passion?
Money & Career:
Here are many varied money and career questions to guide you in your journey.
- What is the biggest challenge that I face when it comes to my money/finances?
- How can I earn more money in the near future?
- How can I earn more money in the long term?
- Why am I feeling stuck in my career/income?
- How can I move forward in my career?
- What is the next step in my career?
- What am I overlooking in my career?
- What am I overlooking when it comes to my finances and earnings?
- What should I do about the current situation at/with my work?
- What can I learn from the past about my career?
- What do I need to know about my boss?
- How can I better my relationship with my boss?
- What career path is right for me?
- How can I resolve a situation with my coworkers?
- How can I have a better relationship with my coworkers?
- What can I do to get money to flow to me more easily?
- How can I attract a mentor?
- What should I focus on this month to do better in my career?
- What should I focus on to make more money?
- What is my best course of action to attain my goals?
- What dissatisfies me about my current situation?
- Where do I need to stop procrastinating?
Friends and Family:
Here are 25+ questions surrounding family, friends, and platonic relationships.
- How can I deal with ______ issue with friends or family?
- How can I better connect with my family?
- How can I better connect with my friends?
- What can I do to make new, likeminded friends?
- How do others view me?
- What are my positive qualities to others?
- What are my negative qualities to others?
- What friend or family member should I reconnect with from my past?
- What does my pet need from me that I’m not giving?
- How is my pet feeling this month?
- Are there any past issues that are affecting the current situation with my family/friends?
- How can I improve my relationship with a specific family member or friend?
- Why am I loved by others?
Soul Purpose:
If you want to learn more about your soul purpose and spiritual growth through the Tarot, try asking some of these questions. I find that I almost always get insightful answers to these queries!
- How can I discover my soul’s purpose?
- What is my soul’s purpose?
- What inner work do I need to do to be in alignment with my soul’s purpose?
- What will bring me closer to my soul’s purpose?
- I’m at a fork in the road, which path should I take?
- What do I need to know to make the best decision?
- What’s my biggest obstacle right now?
- What is something that would be helpful for me to know about myself right now?
- What is it that I’m ignoring or not seeing?
- What’s holding me back in life?
- What does my subconscious want me to know that I’m ignoring?
- How can I evolve spiritually?
- How can I be more true to myself?
- What issue am I ignoring within myself right now that I should address?
- What am I lying to myself about?
- How can I better connect spiritually with my guides?
- How can I better connect spiritually with my higher self?
- How can I better connect spiritually with my ancestors?
- What habits do I need to change?
- What issue in my past do I need to let go?
- What lesson am I learning in life right now?
- How can I have more fun in life?
- What talent do I have that I need to use more?
- What do I need more of in life?
- What do I need less of in life?
- What should I focus on this month?
- What energy is around me right now?
- What is my deepest hidden desire?
- Where can I be more flexible in the next month?
- How can I be more authentic?
- How should I work to conquer my ego?
What else would you like to see on Tea & Rosemary about Tarot? Let me know in the comments for next week’s post!