Saturn aspects to the North and South Nodes tend to indicate karmic bonds, especially in the synastry chart. If you find these aspects in your chart, then you can intuit that you probably shared at least one (or many) intense past lives with your partner.
With these aspects, the Saturn person is often the voice of reason or the teacher, though they can also become too oppressive or fixated on maturity.
Meanwhile, the Nodal person is the one trying to actively change and grow. The Saturn person can help or hinder them in their growth.
These relationships can be very serious and fated, but both people must be willing to work through their problems from the past life relationship in order to transform.
Saturn Conjunct North Node Synastry (Opposite South Node)
If you have the Saturn conjunct North Node synastry aspect, you also have the Saturn opposition South Node synastry aspect. One cannot exist without the other.
With Saturn conjunct North Node synastry, the Saturn person tends to introduce discipline and structure to the Nodal person. This can be a positive or a negative relationship.
The Saturn person probably plays the role of a teacher. While this is a difficult aspect because the North Node person must be ready to accept these lessons, it can also bind a couple together once they come out on the other side.
The Saturn conjunct North Node synastry relationship can help both people evolve into a better version of themselves, if both partners are willing.
Typically, the Saturn conjunct North Node synastry relationship is karmic. This means that, with this aspect, you knew each other in a past life.
However, this aspect also indicates unresolved karma. Your purpose here is to heal from this karma and change the relationship into something better, something new.
The Saturn conjunct North Node synastry relationship does indicate a challenge relationship. Because you’re healing karma, this relationship is bound to be difficult.
Although the Saturn person can help the North Node person grow up and face their soul’s purpose, they can also exert too much pressure on the nodal person.
It’s important that the Saturn person learns how to loosen up and be less oppressive.
Meanwhile, the North Node person must be willing to do a lot of soul growth in order to make this relationship work.
Ultimately, the Saturn conjunct North Node synastry relationship is both karmic and beneficial, if both people are willing to work on themselves over the long haul.
Saturn Trine North Node Synastry (Sextile South Node)
If you have the Saturn trine North Node synastry aspect, you may have the Saturn sextile South Node synastry relationship, though this isn’t always the case.
With the Saturn trine North Node synastry aspect, there is a strong bond between the couple. This relationship has a serious energy to it, but both people tend to support each other’s growth.
The Saturn trine North Node synastry relationship doesn’t always last, but regardless of whether or not the couple stays together, they will grow quite a bit from the partnership.
It’s common for someone to mature and grow up very rapidly in one of these relationships. Each person will feel older and wiser after learning from their partner.
With Saturn trine North Node in synastry, this learning happens naturally. Just by being around the other person, you’re furthering your soul growth.
In this relationship, the Saturn person teaches the North Node person how to be more serious and mature, while the North Node person may teach the Saturn person how to overcome their karma.
Remember that pain can teach too, so this relationship isn’t necessarily all roses. However, the Saturn trine North Node synastry relationship is always beneficial for both people in the long run.
Saturn Sextile North Node Synastry (Trine South Node)
If you have the Saturn sextile North Node synastry aspect, you may have the Saturn trine South Node synastry relationship, though this isn’t always the case.
This aspect gives the Saturn person the opportunity to teach the North Node person lessons that can help to evolve their soul.
These lessons can be painful or easy; the Saturn sextile North Node synastry aspect doesn’t indicate how these lessons are taught.
However, the Saturn person can choose to actively help the North Node person on their path to soul growth in a way that is beneficial and non-oppressive.
The Saturn person must actively take on this responsibility. Sometimes, they may feel as though they’re parenting the Nodal person a bit, but they won’t mind this when they see the benefits of their work.
Typically, the Saturn sextile North Node synastry relationship indicates a karmic past life together. In the beginning of the relationship, both partners must work to heal their past life karma.
Next, the partners can work to evolve towards their ideal relationship.
Saturn Conjunct South Node Synastry (Opposite North Node)
If you have the Saturn conjunct South Node synastry aspect, you also have the Saturn opposition North Node synastry aspect. One cannot exist without the other.
The Saturn conjunct South Node synastry relationship indicates a very intense karmic bond. When the couple first meets, they will be drawn to each other immediately because they are bonded from a past life.
Although it feels like they’ve each met their soul mate, this relationship can be incredibly challenging.
This relationship can grow serious very quickly. While the couple feels intensely bonded to each other, they also may feel held back, as though they’re reenacting a past relationship.
It’s important that you learn how to evolve together. With the Saturn conjunct South Node synastry aspect, you must first heal your past life karma, but you must also push each other towards future soul growth.
If you remain stuck in the past, you will start to feel like the relationship is holding you back and this may be your downfall. However, you may stay together out of duty, or because you feel a sense of karmic responsibility.
The Saturn conjunct South Node synastry relationship has one single purpose: to heal the unfinished karmic business from a past life.
You may need to overcome problems or challenges together, making your relationship feel especially hard. However, this is how you will heal your karma.
You need to work through your karmic debts in order to set each other free. Once you’ve done this, you can choose to stay together or break apart.
Over time, the Saturn person must learn that it’s natural for the Nodal person to reach for something new. When the Nodal person works towards their North Node, this can trigger the Saturn person, but the couple must evolve together or the relationship won’t work.
Likewise, it’s important that the Nodal person works to heal the more negative qualities in their South Node and actively seeks soul growth in order to heal karmic debts.
If you don’t heal your karmic debts, then you may end up with each other over and over when you try to break free.
May want to break free, but you end up together over and over.
Saturn Square North Node Synastry (Square South Node)
If you have the Saturn square North Node synastry aspect, you also have the Saturn square South Node synastry aspect. One cannot exist without the other.
With the Saturn square North Node synastry aspect, the Nodal person may feel restricted by the Saturn person, as though they can’t grow or heal.
This aspect usually indicates a painful karmic past. In a past life, this couple created wounds together that must be healed.
The Saturn square North Node synastry aspect means that the Saturn person tends to especially restrict the Nodal person in healing this karma. In this partnership, you may feel like you’re hitting your head against a brick wall.
You truly want to heal your karmic wounds and you may feel as though you must stay together until something is fixed energetically, but you just can’t seem to make this happen.
Sometimes, the Saturn square North Node synastry aspect indicates that the couple may actually repeat the actions of the past in this lifetime. Their past life together was probably very recent, so it’s extremely difficult to act differently.
Remember that everyone has a choice! Even with Saturn square North Node in synastry, you can choose to do things different.
The first step is to look at the signs and houses that the Saturn square North Node synastry aspect sits in and determine what the wound was in your past life.
Next, you must find a way to heal your own wounds and change the reactions within you that hurt your partner.
Ultimately, this is a very deep bond that can transcend time and space if both partners are willing to do the spiritual and emotional work.